Please note: Crystals Multifaceted uses singular and plural pronouns to refer to herself/themselves.
Our podcast Therapist Interrupted has launched! It is now live on Spotify. Well not live, pre-recorded, but it’s up live, as in right now. So far we’ve had the privilege of interviewing several people about their journeys to becoming a therapist and the ways that life has brought interruptions. You can listen to the latest episode here:
We also included people who either became therapists despite interruptions, some who started out in careers that they ended up quitting or had to take time off due to various life-challenges. Our plan is to release a Therapist Interrupted story on the first of the month and another story of interruptions on the 15th. We are still looking for people to interview for this project. Please let us know if you are interested. You can listen to our introductory interview with Kirsten about our aspirations for the podcast here:
We did this introductory episode back in July and thought “we’ll store it on Spotify and have it air in October”. We didn’t realize that we had actually put publish for October 13, a strange and random date that we chose. So then, on October 16th, when we went to look at it because we’ve been saying that we’ll release it in October, we were surprised and horrified that our episode had launched. To our relief no one had listened yet. We scrambled to record the intro that is on there now. Intros are way hard to record. We spent a couple hours on it, and still don’t like it.
This accidental launch may have been just what we needed to get it out into the world, given our feelings and wrestling with needing to have a perfect podcast with all the right stuff, all the right trigger warnings, and disclaimers. What do you know, it launched itself and it was okay. After adding the intro we posted the link on our twitter and a couple of other places. The next day we woke with a dread of being seen and known. Throughout the last couple of years we’ve put more and more of ourselves out into the world, yet for some reason, this one felt big.
We are settling and accepting our imperfections and claiming our place in the world as a Therapist Interrupted knowing that not everyone is going to like what we do and say and that’s okay as long as we do our best to put out content that is alignment with our values, from a place of integrity and kindness. We hope that learning about our process and struggles will inspire others to share their stories when they are ready, even if they aren’t perfect.