Dear Lovely Readers,
For the last 21 weeks I have posted a short story with insights and follow up prompts. Last week I had the idea to post a story that included aspects of domestic violence and to include some resources. However, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. The topic felt too heavy and I wanted to give it justice.
This week I again, couldn’t post it or write it. I tried typing out a less charged story, but couldn’t come up with any insights. While the Saturday Stories started as just the story posted, going back to that didn’t feel right. I thought I might be up for writing a story later in the day, but it’s now 9pm and that hasn’t happened. So rather than continue to lapse on this commitment or force myself to write I’ve decided to postpone the Saturday Stories. I don’t know if they will return next week or if it will be longer or if they are a thing of the past. What I do know is that I can kill my inspiration, by forcing myself to write of them. That feels like the opposite of what I want to do. The idea is to put something out into the word that is meaningful that comes from my heart and flows out of generosity.
I am reminded of one of the check-out question for the groups I do. “What are you giving up on?” It was a spin-off of the pressure to keep New Year’s Resolutions. Sometimes it’s healthy to give up on something. Breaking a resolution doesn’t mean that you failed, rather it means that you need to do something different. It can be an opportunity to look at what you learned about yourself and your goals. Sometimes when we stop forcing ourselves to do something we find where our heart wants to be. When we are in alignment with our hearts and passions, we can find purpose and work in a way that brings fulfillment to ourselves while also filling a need in the world.
So, this Saturday the story is yet unwritten. I look forward to this upcoming chapter.
Looking forward to your new chapter 😊