Saturday Stories #11-I believe in fairies
Rediscover a love for fiction, because stories can change the world
These fiction stories are unedited, unfiltered, and written in 15-25 minutes. Please be aware that they may contain intense material related to emotional healing, trauma recovery, and redirected fears.
Written at my home on May 22, 2014
“I believe in fairies,” said the little girl, Amanda.
“There’s no such thing as fairies,” her older sister Margret said.
“It hurts them, it kills them when you say that,” said Amanda.
“I don’t believe in fairies, I don’t believe in fairies, I don’t believe in fairies, I don’t believe in fairies.”
“Stop it, stop it, you’re killing them,” Amanda covered her ears and shouted, “Stop killing them. You are the meanest person ever. You murderer.”
“Girls,” mother’s stern voice from the hall said. “Stop arguing.”
“But she’s killing the fairies.”
By this time the mother had entered the girls’ room. “What’s going on?” she asked.
“She’s killing fairies,” Amanda said.
“Stop saying that, stupid,” Margret said.
“Do not talk to your sister that way, do you hear me?”
“But she’ believes in stupid fairies, everyone knows fairies don’t exist.”
“She’s just using her imagination, so stop teasing her.”
“Fine,” Margret said. She fell onto her bed and picked up a book.
“And you, Amanda, don’t call your sister a murderer.”
“But she’s killing fairies.”
“Well, she’s entitled to not believe in fairies, just like you’re entitled to believe in them. If you don’t challenge her, then she won’t say she doesn’t believe in fairies.”
“But. You do, don’t you mom?”
“I believe you believe in fairies? I believe you believe there might be all sorts of spirits and beings out there.”
“So, you do believe, oh mom, I’m so happy.” Amanda wrapped her arms around her mother’s belly and held on tight.
Today’s Insights
I have a lot of thoughts about this story, especially as it could relate to the last couple of years and the increase of hatred and people accusing others of killing people and even people saying that some should not be allowed to receive medical care or should die. I’m reading this story in a much different context than it was written in. I’m also very aware of my hesitancy to say what I really see and think as it relates to this story because I know that not all of my readers will agree with me. I find myself wanting to censor my views, even on my own blog. I’ve never been part of a community or group who agreed with all of my views, but I think that’s part of what makes life beautiful and gives me an opportunity to learn and grow.
I have friends who this isn’t their experience. They’ve grown up or created chosen families that in general fall along the same political, religious, or cultural viewpoints. One thing that struck me in this story that I think happens a lot was Amanda’s heartfelt believe that her mother believed in fairies. Her mother didn’t say she did or didn’t, but Amanda seemed to have a knowing that her mother must believe in fairies, because after all her mom is wise and kind and a good person. I see this happen in groups when people assume that others agree with the predominant view of the group. I’ve had the experience of disagreeing with the group, but everyone assumes I agree with them because I am smart or kind or a good person. There’s an us vs. them mentality. There’s a thinking that those who don’t agree with certain ideas are dangerous and that their belief or disbelief is killing people. Yet, those others that are hated because of their beliefs, quite often they are friends, family, and respected members of the community. They are sitting silently afraid to speak out their disagreement for fear of losing connections with those they love.
Rather than being open to hearing another perspective it seems that more often than not conversations are shut down and fear keeps people either from speaking up when they disagree or from being open to hearing another point of view. I am trying to find the balance between keeping an open mind, reading, and investigating viewpoints that are different than mine and having the courage to stand firm on what I believe and using discernment in when to speak out.
You’re Turn
If you wish to continue the story in your own creative writing or prose you can start by following this format and seeing what comes. You could also answer the following questions for fiction to continue the story or answer the questions for prose that can be used as journal prompts, for essays, or poetry.
Prompts for Fiction:
Does the mom believe in fairies? Continue the story with her telling her daughters what she thinks and believes.
How does the daughter who the mother disagrees with react?
What started the argument about fairies? Write a prequel
Write your own fairy tale that includes a belief or disbelief in fairies.
Prompts for Prose:
What is something that you believe to be true and think that smart or good people also think the way you do about this subject?
What happens for you when someone you respect disagrees with your viewpoint?
What is a view that you had in the past that has changed? What lead to this new realization?
How do you take care of yourself around your fears and the tragedies that you see happening in the world?