New Monthly Price: $11=1+1 = 2=2+0=20
Our work is a gift to the world, but those who wish can support us
Dear Subscribers,
We are committed to living in gift which is why we post all of our work outside of a payment wall. However, some of our subscribers enjoy supporting our work by contributing financially. One subscriber even requested that we raise the price. In a commerce based society focused on finding the best deal and saving money, this may seem illogical. Yet, so many of us find ways to transcend this model and find ways to give of ourselves and share our gifts with people we care for or want to support. I’ve been asked “if you don’t charge for your services, how will you make money?” Having worked in gift economy for several months now, we are beginning to see the beauty of generosity and gratitude all around us. A couple weeks ago someone gave us $70 at the park, simply because he valued what we are doing and wanted to support our work. I had to consciously tell myselves to receive this gift, even though I have a practice of randomly giving money to people who I feel led to give to. Turns out, for many, just receiving and giving no return gift isn’t always easy. It takes a certain level of humility and grace.
So wherever you are at on this journey we thank you for being here. We know that some need to take care of themselves and learn to receive. This may or may not have anything to do with how much money you have. There are perhaps many rich people who’ve never known what it is like to just receive without paying their way. Others are in a place of wanting to give, such as the person who requested we raise our price.
This past year, I’ve connected with the number 20. I was born on June 20th and in numerology 20 is about peace, relationships,
and bridging or balancing two opposing things. We feel this is very much with what we see as part of living our purpose in this world. When working on a find our why exercise the word that came up was harmony. We don’t want everyone to sound the same and our differences are beautiful. Even in this Substack and identifying as a Therapist Interrupted we are attempting to bring communities together. We are in many communities that have opposing or different views from each other and we hold these views and try to have an open mind when we disagree and investigate and give value to alternative perspectives from our own. This is part of why we decided to set the monthly price at is $11 which is 1+1=2 rather than $20 which felt like too much.
If you are uncomfortable paying $11 please know we value you and welcome you to receive the subscription as a gift.
For anyone who is curious we choose $99.90 as the yearly price because our sobriety date, the date after our last drink of alcohol is 999. That is September 9th, 2009.
Please feel free to edit your subscription in the settings. You can click to make your subscription recurring or not.
We want our readers to know that we value you whether you subscribe or give or just read or listen. Thank you for being here and for what you bring to the world.
Note: We use both plural and singular pronouns (I and we) to refer to our authentic experience of being many.